Learning About Chakra Healing
Each person has what is called a life force energy and also this is run by their chakra. It is said that the chakra is actually an axis point on the body that talks with that life force energy. Most people are not aware that the word chakra is actually a Sanskrit word. The meaning of the word is a sphere of mans aural energy or a constantly whirling wheel.
It is said and also fit toward traditional Hindu writings and, there is listed more than 88,000 chakra points on a person's entire body. Out of all of these chakra's, there are actually seven major energy acts as chakra's which will run from a persons had all the way to the base of their spine.
These seven points are the base chakra, the sex chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the chakrra of the heart, the chakra of the throat, the chakra of the brow, as well as lastly the crown chakra. These points on our body take in energy from the people in our environment and also also transmit energy to the people in our environment. Therefore, they also influence us mentally, emotionally, and also our daily activities including spiritual activities that we will sometimes do.
Whether one chooses the viewpoint of Hindu mythological thoughts for an individual's internal as well as external experience, or Chinese medicines, or even the modern explanation through psychology of human thought processes as well as consciousness, the chakras form the distinct and valuable thread in all explanations.
This happens specifically because each one of the major chakra glands works with a specific endocrine gland within our bodies. If there is an imbalance in the function of a chakra this will effect our physical and emotional state of well being. It will also create a disturbance in the endocrine gland that is associated with that specific chakra.
All this is due to the fact that the seven major chakras correspond to the endocrine system of our body. With the imbalances in the major functioning of the body system, the functioning of the chakras disrupts from the normal behaviour or activity.
Maintaining equilibrium with the chakra from the above mentioned points in the introduction it will sometimes be safely said that our major diseases are an impact of malfunctioning of our chakras along with imbalance or blockage in the energy flow. At times there can not be any illness although there can yet be emotional or psychological issues that would attain affected.
There may be repressed memories or forgotten emotional baggage which comes form past traumatic experiences that will sometimes cause the chakras to be out of balance. We can actually be unaware of this, although the negative, emotional toxins have an effect at the cellular level.
Bad emotions release toxins all the way down to the cellular level. This is why it is important to eliminate bad emotions and being healing yourself with chakra.
Healing the Body Chakras Activities such as Reiki, color therapy, aromatherapy provides balance by using the healing properties of crystals, gemstones along with pendulums.
Many people like taking yoga classes because it helps them to relax through controlled breathing as well as physical exercises. This can assist to maintain the chakra balance within our bodies.
Some other methods of Chakra healing include meditation. Meditation is the process of keeping the mind focused along with visualizing certain things to relax. Often at times CDs may benefit promote the natural healing process through relaxing music and may harness the power of the mind to relax.
Even though you can not see or touch a chakra, they still work independently to keep our body in check.
The human body has to be healthy and also fed properly in order for us to have balanced chakras. There are foods that aid maintain the balance of each of the seven primary chakras.
The root chakra is nourished with foods rich in protein, spices along with root type vegetables. Nuts, vanilla, cinnamon, sweet fruits as well as seeds such as caraway as well as sesame nourishes the sacral chakra that of our sexual being along with creativity. Breads, cereals, pasta, yogurt, dairy products as well as spicy mints nourish our stomach or solar plexus chakra which enhances our sense of self love and self confidence.
Green leafy vegetables and green tea will nourish the heart chakra. The throat chakra benefits from the nourishment of consuming a lot of water and fruit juices as well as tangy fruits such as peaches along with apples.
Eating grapes, blueberries, along with drinking grape juice along with wine helps to nourish the third eye chakra which is responsible for our psychic powers.
Our focal point of the spiritual awakening is the crown of the head which requires a good detoxification. This is done by regular inhalation of herbs and incense and rituals such as fasting.
By positively influencing our chakras we can increase our general health and well being. By doing this this leads to a better life where you are more in touch with your surroundings and also other elements of the metaphysical world which we live in.
Chakra Balancing, Healing and also Alignment
Chakra have been known since recorded human history. In eastern and also now western culture, chakras are the most powerful healing systems in the body.
It is believed that by balancing along with aligning the 7 chakra, no disease, affliction menatal or physical can affect the human body. Each of the 7 chakras has a specific purpose.
Chakra Misalignment Problems:
-------- CROWN CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - depression, diseases of the muscular system, skeletal system along with the skin, chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments, sensitivity to light, sound or environment (allergies)
Mental and also Emotional Issues - discovery of the divine, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identity, trust, selflessness, humanitarianism, ability to see the bigger picture in the life stream, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics.
-------- THIRD EYE CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, ing disabilities, spinal dysfunctions, panic as well as depression.
Mental and Emotional Issues - fear of truth, discipline, judgment, evaluation, emotional intelligence, concept of reality or confusion.
-------- THROAT CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems.
Mental and Emotional Issues - personal expression, creativity, addiction, criticism, faith, decision making, will and lack of authority.
-------- HEART CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - heart conditions, asthma, lung & breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, shoulder problems
'Mental as well as Emotional Issues - love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity.
-------- SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases.
Mental as well as Emotional Issues - self esteem, fear of rejection, over-sensitivity to criticism, self-image fears, fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness.
-------- SACRAL CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions - low back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn problems, pelvic pain, libido, urinary problems.
Mental and Emotional Issues - blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, morality.
-------- ROOT CHAKRA --------
Physical Dysfunctions- lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders.
'Mental and Emotional Issues - survival, self esteem, social order, security, family.
What are Chakras?
Chakras, which mean wheels in Sanskrit, are energy centers running along our spine. Ancient Hindus formulated that there were seven of these energy wheels, each one a different color as well as spinning in a clockwise direction.
We all have seven major chakras and also a large number of minor chakras. They are like spinning funnels that come out from our body. When they are perfectly balanced along with spinning correctly we are in perfect health. If one or more are out of balance, too open or too closed we feel off color, out of balance, or sick. This is what is called dis-ease. Each chakra relates to organs or parts of the body and each need to be looked after and balanced regularly. You may work on each chakra separately starting with the base chakra, as well as then bring them all in the direction of balance, or you may work on all the chakras at the same time.
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The sacral centre is just below the navel. The solar plexus is about two inches above the navel. The heart is about the level of the physical heart. The throat is at the base of the neck. The third eye is on the forehead between the eyes. The crown is at the top of the head.
These are the 7 major chakras and also there are several minor chakras as well. All chakras interact with one another. Each chakra corresponds to a particular colour frequency and also with a particular gland or organ. This means that the organ or gland vibrates at a sympathetic rhythm to a colour vibration. When we feel "off colour" or "washed out" we need to re-tune the colour, just like tuning in a radio set to a station so that it restores the signal loud and clear.
In a healthy body the chakras absorb and also distribute colour energy evenly, while in an unhealthy person toxins will sometimes begin to collect causing physical, mental as well as emotional problems.
Each chakra will sometimes be balanced using colours, crystals, essential oils, music, affirmations or changing what you do. It is also beneficial to have a chakra balance to bring them all back into balance. This can be done at home by yourself or you will sometimes go to a crystal therapist or colour therapist to have it done.
When all your chakras are balanced - you should be healthy as well as well balanced. It is important to have all your chakras in balance, sometimes when people start on the spiritual path they concentrate on the third eye, although it is very important to start at the bottom. Our body is like a building, you need to get the foundations right before you work on the top floors. So make sure your bottom chakras are balanced and also functioning properly.
Each chakra is represented by a colour: Base - Red Sacral - Orange Solar Plexus - Yellow Heart - Green or Pink Throat - Blue Third Eye - Purple Crown - White
The easiest way to bring the chakras back toward balance is to carry or wear the appropriate colour. Another very easy along with pleasant way is to listen to a chakra balancing CD. Music is a very relaxing way to bring things back in the direction of balance. Ideally this is done while meditating, but just listening to the music will aid. And let's face it anything is better than nothing. Playing a chakra balancing CD is a great way to balance the whole family at the same time along with usually this has a calming effect on every one as well.
An easy though effective way to balance along with align the chakras is to do a guided meditation lying down with crystals or colour patches of material on each chakra.
A Guided Meditation for balancing the chakras. You can either acquire someone to read this to you, or you can read it out along with record your own voice. It is best read slowly, allowing for pauses where appropriate.
Relax, take a couple of deep breaths as well as breathe out all your stress and tension. See yourself standing in a valley, you are surrounded with red tulips, everywhere you look it is a sea of red. As you start to walk though the tulips you feel yourself absorbing the red energy. You feel your root chakra come alive. As you walk further you come to the end of the red tulips. You have now come to a field of orange poppies, they are everywhere, along with the flowers appear to be dancing in the light breeze. As you walk along you notice you are starting to go up the side of a hill. Walking through the poppies you feel yourself absorbing the colour orange. Your sacral center is alive. You now reach the end of the poppies. You are now in a field of brilliant yellow daises. Smell the fragrance and see the sunny yellow flowers. As you continue your journey up the hill you feel the yellow absorbing toward your body and also your solar plexus is alive. All too soon you come to the end of the yellow. You now find yourself in a beautiful field of soft green grass. As you walk across it you feel the green absorbing up through your feet. Your heart chakra is alive. The green grass field takes you further up the hill till you reach a field of bluebells, their delicate blue heads bowed slightly as if to greet you. As you walk through them, feel the blue absorbing within your body, feel your throat chakra opening. As you walk further up the hill you reach the end of the beautiful bluebells and find yourself in a field of indigo irises. Stand for a moment as well as absorb the indigo colour flooding within your third eye. Walking further up the hill you come to the end of the indigo along with reach a patch of purple pansies. Their beautiful petals are like faces looking up at you. Hundreds of them all are projecting their colour up to your crown chakra. Just stand for a moment as well as absorb. As you slowly continue up the hill you leave your pansies as well as reach the top of the hill. Here you are surrounded by a sea of tiny white flowers. As you sit in the middle of the white flowers you notice you are on the top of the hill. Looking down you will sometimes now see all the colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple as well as white, like stripes in the side of the hill. Sit for a moment and also take it all in. You feel very peaceful and also every chakra is alive. It is now time to leave your rainbow hill. Remember the feeling of all your chakras being alive. Return to the top of the hill whenever you feel the need. It is now time to open your eyes as well as return to this reality as we know it.
You may use this chakra balancing meditation whenever you feel the need for it, or as often as you like.
The 7 Chakras - Aaron
The human body comprises of seven main chakras which are connected to various glands and also body organs. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. So these chakras are wheels that whirl in a circular motion to create a vacuum.. This vacuum draws whatever it encounters on its vibratory level.
These chakras have their own functions. However they are all interdependent on each other to maintain a physical and mental balance in the body. It is possible to stimulate each of these chakras using the help of various gems, pure tones as well as by concentrating on particular colors.
The chakras
1. Root chakra is the first as well as located the base of the spine. This is the chakra that creates a grounding force in the body. So if you feel like you are spacing off, it means that your root chakra is imbalanced.
As the root chakra is associated with red color, concentrating on anything red aids regain balance. The root chakra controls a number of parts of the lower body like legs, feet, kidneys along with immune system while your sense of self esteem, loyalty as well as survival instincts are centered here.
2. The second chakra is the sacral chakra located around the lower abdomen towards the navel. This is the chakra controlling the upper intestine, stomach, liver, sexual organs, pancreas as well as adrenal glands.
It also controls honoring of relationships as well as creativity in the body. Control issues, back pain and fertility problems are signs of imbalance of this chakra that will sometimes be assisted with the focus on orange or red-orange objects.
3. The solar plexus chakra is located around the solar plexus and controls your ego along with the liver, middle spine, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, stomach, small intestines and the upper abdomen.
Its imbalance leads to self-esteem issues like sensitivity to criticism, fear of rejection, indecisiveness in life as well as eating problems. Balance can be regained by concentrating on yellow color.
4. The fourth chakra is the heart chakra found in the center of chest and also controls your love, compassion, trust and forgiveness. Those with a healthy heart chakra are generous as well as loving while those with a wounded one become jealous, harbor feelings of hatred and also fear and also suffer from heart as well as lungs disease. This chakra may be balanced using the colors pink and green.
5. The throat chakra is linked with honesty and decision making. It is located in the throat along with controls the voice and throat. This balanced chakra assists in preventing tooth, throat as well as gum diseases as well as is associated with the color blue.
6. The brow or third eye chakra is associated with wisdom along with perspective along with is called the third eye as it is located in between the eyebrows. This chakra controls the brain and nervous system and when balanced, one tends to make good judgments and detachment most of the time.
Imbalance in the chakra makes one delusive, retreat toward a fantasy world along with suffer learning problems along with spinal dysfunction. The chakra is related to the color indigo.
7. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, located on the top of the head and also controls spirituality in the body. It is through this chakra that universal energy reaches the other chakras. And a well balanced crown chakra makes you well connected to the universe. This chakra is associated with white and also violet colors.
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