The Power of Intuition
Everyone has experienced intuition, which is described as information that comes from somewhere not related to knowledge, experience or logic; though comes to you in the form of an answer, a gut instinct directing you to a number of action. You may be driving a car and decided to suddenly stop, however you don't know why until a cat darts across the street, a cat that you can have hit if you had not stopped. The English poet along with scholar said it best.
"Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer."
Intuition has been referred to as a sixth sense, instinct and also inner voice. It is basically a higher sense of awareness. Unfortunately a large number of people ignore their intuitive feelings in favor of logic. Intuition may work alone or along with logic as well as knowledge by giving you extra information.
Many creative people, such as artists often use intuition on a regular basis, which will sometimes bring the artist inspiration. A painter struggling with mixing a particular color can focus on the paint on the palette then focus on the color white. Suddenly the artist mixes a little white into the paint along with comes up with just the right color she/he was looking for.
If you have thought about someone you haven't heard from in a long time, then suddenly that person shows up or calls, you have experienced intuition. Another example is having the feeling that you are being watched, such as in a grocery store. You look around and you find someone looking at you or admiring you. That person often will become embarrassed as soon as he/she realizes he was caught. Another form of intuition comes through in dreams. We all have had the experience of waking up from a dream and finding ourselves in basically the same situation we dreamt about or the dream could warn you about an upcoming event to be on your guard as well as at that party, you are confronted with someone that is angry at you. If you paid attention, you should be able to handle the situation.
Intuition is a tool that will sometimes use the knowledge of your subconscious and also your conscious mind. Your intuition will sometimes be instrumental in providing you with very clear answers and guidance by focusing and paying attention because you are tapping toward your inner knowledge along with not getting it from outside sources. You mind is the best source of this knowledge along with guidance.
The best way to know how your intuition works is to test it and play with it for awhile. What is your intuition say about which restaurant to pick for dinner or what you will order? If the effort turns out positive, continue practicing. In this way you will continue to strengthen your intuition..
Conrad Raw is an expert in practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is the author of "Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Energetic Development." He travels the world to along with teach along with is the founder of, a website devoted to bringing you easy to techniques to increase your human evolution. Visit his website for a free newsletter filled with tons of great tips and also advice
How to Become an Effective Psychic Medium
Getting in touch with your divine spirit guide, communicate with it along with transmit at the same time to the seekers or the clients are just few of the responsibilities for one to become a psychic medium.
Psychic mediums make interaction at various levels. There are psychic mediums that let the spirit energy to take control of the body and also the consciousness of the medium. Most of these psychics normally do not know what had transpired to them a short while ago when they return to their normal state while there are others who interact at a conscious level.
Psychics who act as mediums are known "Leep Psychic Mediums". They are not channels that just receptively receive the messages from the spirits that guide along with transmit them to others. These are the type of psychic mediums who continue to communicate with their guiding spirits to the extent of opposing with them.
Familiarize yourself with the advantages as well as disadvantages
Prepare yourself as you might attain information you would not be able to attain and you might develop a relationship with a non-physical entity. Take note that you are playing with fire that a number of part of you energetic circuit is expected to burnt out. It is the negative effect of being a psychic medium as you allow the higher flow of psychic energies to circumvent your natural defenses.
Requirements to become a psychic medium
There are certain requirements for you to become a psychic medium. First, desire the information so much that you accept the risk of becoming a psychic medium. And secondly, have the willpower. You need this to survive this kind of risk. Achieve mind-to-mind communication level through a few mental mediums that will let you raise their consciousness. Spirits communicates in form of thoughts which are very rapid. This type of medium needs an intense level of focus that will sometimes be sometimes losing your energy.
There are trainings given for individuals who wish to become a psychic medium. In this training, they are thought psychic reading and also quite a few essentials that will help them out. They are being practiced initially through dealing with psychic online asking for psychic advice.
Basic exercises along with activities are also included in the training that need to be understood and practiced for all forms of mediumships.
Achieve a positive and also receptive state of mind. It is a fundamental requirement and also is congenial to becoming a medium. It makes a mind alert to receive energies along with ides that is passive in a one-way transmission process. Your mind should eliminate negative garbage and should only be filled with positive thoughts.
Observe physical along with mental discipline such as psychometry, scanning, precognition, making predictive guesses, leering meditation, relaxation, concentration on the thought processes and also followed by testing the acquired activities.
Find a capable mentor to practice with. She must be willing to follow as well as accept all the risk. Be aware of the interaction of your consciousness and also unconscious processes.
Aspiring to become an effective psychic medium will sometimes jumpstart your psychic or spiritual progress. Bear in mind that this not really a short cut. You will have to travel the path yourself.
Jackson Swift is the author of this article for Universal Psychic Guild that offers chat readings , text psychics along with free psychic readings online services.
Psychic Ripoffs
A psychic can assist people in a various number of ways. Since the time of our ancestors, psychics have always been sought for general guidance along with enlightenment. However, amidst the popularity and also demand for psychic these days, we cannot deny the fact that not all psychic practitioners are indeed real psychics.
Truth is, there are really a number of people out there who pose as psychics and they will just take advantage of you and also your money. So to avoid being a victim of these con artists, here are three things you need to remember before investing in one of the many psychic services:
3 Guidelines of Safety to Stay Away from Con Artists
The easiest way to stay clear of scammers is to ask for a referral for a psychic from people close to you. You can ask your friends or family members if they can recommend a very good psychic. You can never go wrong with psychics that are "tested and also proven" by the people you know.
In the event that you cannot attain any recommendations from the people that you know, you may also search for psychics yourself. Looking for a psychic is virtually very easy these days. Your local phone directories will surely have a lengthy list of psychics. But a faster option is to go online and search on the internet. In just a few clicks, you will be given a global directory of psychics. But just a word of caution, always remember to do a back ground check on psychics that you wish to consider. Check out the variety of their services, how they carry out these services, their payment methods, and also if they have any reliable references they may cite to prove their authenticity. Remember, genuine psychics are in it to assist you in any way they can. So in most cases, the websites of these real psychics will usually have enough information you need to thoroughly know about them along with what they offer.
Every person is born with a psychic side. Therefore, we all have a natural intuitive ability that may help us when we make decisions. Having faith in you intuition simply means relying on your instincts. You will know if you have picked the right psychic (not to mention a genuine one) because you will typically feel good about your decision. However, if you're getting bad vibes, or a negative feeling about deciding on a particular psychic, don't gamble -- scrap that option and move on to your other alternatives because odds are, your intuition can be right!
In general, a psychic can benefit us to have a better outlook in life with their sound advice. However, it's always wise to always be alert and also on the look out for phony psychics who are just out there to use you for the profit and also mislead you.
Get the most out of what you invest in psychic services by only trusting reputable along with authentic psychics. Tana Hoy is America's foremost psychic medium. Tana is a natural born psychic as well as he has dedicated his life to benefit others with his powers. Visit his website and also see the big difference that Tana will sometimes offer!
The 7 Steps To Intuition
Have you ever had this strong feeling that something was going to happen and also that very much to your surprise this hunch became reality somewhat later?
That's what we call intuition. Intuition is to feel strongly about something, without having the logical explanation for it. It is understanding without any apparent effort along with there are three different types of it:
- clairvoyance - sensing clearly - feeling through listening
Clairvoyance is knowing what is happening somewhere. Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as gut-feeling. When we gain such a feeling we are not able to explain it and the only comment we will sometimes have about is: "I just know". Feeling through listening is being able to listen in between the lines. Often this is accompanied by a sound that creates an intense feeling in our body and this sound emphasizes our feeling.
Why would we want to develop intuition, though?
First of all it makes us a lot more aware as well as sensitive to our environment. Often intuition keeps us from hurting or damaging the people and animals around us, because we are more aware and it feels as if we understand them better.
Intuition also helps us to be a lot more creative than we were before. Besides it has incredible self-healing power. The type of healing power that is capable of dissolving negative energies that we have buried deep inside our bodies.
By following the self motivation tips here under you can start with some self motivation exercise. The acquired self motivation skills will help you to further develop your intuition.
1. Meditation
Meditation brings you stillness and deep inner peace. If we do not meditate and we continue living the way we live in our society we will never be able to quiet down the part in us that will sometimes eventually initiate our intuition.
2. Hypnosis
Get yourself hypnotized or perform self hypnosis. Also special hypnotic programs can be of use to you. Hypnosis will strengthen your intuition along with programs can be found on the internet.
3. Positive Thinking
Our intuitive abilities will be so much improved if we are willing to deal with our fears as well as worry's. By being positive we attract positive energy as well as that will give us the ability to recognise upcoming fears or situations immediately, so that we are able to deal with it right away.
4. Letting Go
Let go of all the things that do not serve you. Let go of all the limiting thoughts that withhold you from taking important decisions. Learn to see that these limiting thoughts are nothing more than passing clouds and that you can choose to hold on to them or not. Remember that you attract what you focus on.
5. No Expectations
Do not think that you have reached the point of getting all the answers to your questions straight away, after you have managed to let go of the limiting thoughts that stop you from feeling as well as thinking clearly. Give it a bit of time for this to develop. Don't gain shocked, though, when all of a sudden you do receive your answers.
6. Follow Your First Impressions
Once you have developed the qualities that were mentioned before, follow your first impressions of situations. Most of the time these first impressions are now brought to you by intuition.
7. Stick To Being Happy
Your happy feelings attract an incredible power, in which intuition is included. To be able to draw on your intuition you have to be motivated by happiness as well as contentment. Again, remember you attract what you focus on.
Consciously living with your intuition will enrich your life. At times it will even benefit you to solve certain matters which will sometimes not have been solved in a different way. Over the centuries intuition has saved the lives of a large number of.
Isn't it time to start developing yours?
I hope this article is of value to you and I hope you realize that these self motivation tips to develop your intuition are the key to growth. Therefore I recommend you to have a good along with conscious look at your life along with if necessary to do a large number of self motivation exercise in order to obtain the necessary self motivation skills.
Ab van Deemter ( is a Personal Growth specialist along with a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics along with other holistic methods for quite a few years as well as embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles along with now mentors along with teaches large groups of individuals.